Dental Implants - What Are They?

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Dental implants are the artificial replacement of missing teeth with teeth of a different species. These teeth do not require chewing like the natural teeth and they can be placed in the mouth permanently. Dental implants are artificial substitutes for the missing teeth, which can be used by patients who cannot chew their own teeth. Dental implants are used to bridge the gap between two missing teeth. They are surgically implanted in the gums and attached to the jawbone to serve as a permanent tooth root.

A dental implant is basically an artificial part that interfaces with the gums or jawbone to sustain a dental prosthetic like a bridge, crown, denture or even an orthodontic cement. The periodontist plays an important role in the selection of the right implant suitable for the patient. The periodontist evaluates the patient's oral health, current gum condition and a history of diseases like diabetes, prior infections, inflammation of gums and the response of the patient to oral medications.Once a decision is taken to replace missing teeth with dental implants, the periodontist will carry out a number of tests to determine the best placement. These include digital x-rays, arthroscopy, bone scans and molar evaluations. If your condition qualifies, you will also be asked about your lifestyle and how well you take care of your teeth.

If you choose to use titanium as your tooth root material, you will be provided with a temporary ceramic implant crown. This temporary crown is the same size as your original tooth root and it will stay in place for two weeks. Once, the two weeks period lapses, the titanium tooth root will be removed and a new one will be planted in its place. The whole procedure usually takes less than six months. You may have to spend a little more money than those who opt for dental implants with gold and silver but the results will be worth it.To learn more about the best implants in the market,click here for more info.

Most of us would prefer not to replace a single tooth with dental implants. That said, it is possible to replace a single tooth using bone and dental implants. If you also need to regain your permanent teeth, you can select the same procedure in order to regain both your upper and lower jaw bone. The prosthetic will be custom-made and designed to fit your jaw so that you do not look artificial. Your jaw will be closely evaluated by the dentist so that the perfect prosthetic can be made.Before undergoing surgery to replace your jawbones with dental implants, the patient will experience several sedations. During this time, the sedatives will numb the area around the implant. The anesthetic is usually given a few hours before the actual procedure. If you decide on getting a bone from your own body, you will also have to get anesthesia. Your jawbone will then be surgically placed and secured with titanium screws. To get a detailed overview of this topic, see here: